Gemstone's Coloring YMH at
Fri Jan 30 05:48:19 CET 2004

> Certainly, the company is producing the best Duck comics ever in America in
> terms of quality and color. Feel free to agree or disagree.

Wow, I'm kinda surprised that no one agrees with me on this matter. Sure, 
Gemstone's comics probably do have better coloring than any previous American 
Duck comics, but they really could be so much more!

> I think Don Rosa's stories would be best left
> uncolored because of the insane details that can be lost on a coloring job 
> general - no matter the quality.

I dunno... I think that no matter how detailed the line art is, a really good 
coloring job will be *adding* detail, not taking it away.

But most of the Gemstone coloring has been flat expanses of color, like 
something out of '60 television animation. Not a bad thing, necessarily, if that's 
what you're going for, but, well...

For a really bad example, look at the first page of "World Wide Witch," in 
Uncle Scrooge 320. All those books and shelves, a uniform shade of blue.

For an example of the kind of coloring of black and white line art that I'm 
talking about, look here:

That was once a simple black-and-while ink line drawing. Look at all of the 
richness that the coloring job added to the image... It's that kind of depth 
and shadowing, that almost three-dimensional quality that I would like to see 
from Gemstone's Disney comics. What do the rest of you think?

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