Jim Kenner: Comic Book Writer & Part-Time Disc Golf Champion

Danehog@aol.com Danehog at aol.com
Sun Jun 6 04:44:49 CEST 2004

Timo Ronkainen wrote:

> Hi all!
> Could the first editor of Boys' World comic magazine (founded 1963 afaik)=
> , Jim Kenner, be same Jim Kenner who has written several Disney comics 
> for Egmont (between 1973-1999)? Comics published in Boys' World Wrath of 
> the Gods, Brody, Merlo the Magician are said to be all his original ideas.

It's possible; I can see a young adult working on a magazine aimed towards 
adolescents. More importantly, could this Jim Kenner be the same Jim Kenner who 
is a "brilliant innovator in the pursuit of flying disc excellence?"


To keep this post somewhat on-topic, I can only recall seeing Kenner's 
writing in Donald Duck Adventures 16's "The Talons of the Ancient Roc Bird," 
published by Disney Comics. Was something lost in this (and other US-published works) 
because I assume it was translated from English to other languages, then back 
to "modernized" English that was not his own?  Much of the dialogue felt 
empty when placed with Jukka Murtosaari's strangely expressive art style.

But, then again, that could just be the way the story was written originally. 

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