The italian Life of Scrooge

Lars Jensen lpj at
Thu Aug 11 19:17:50 CEST 2005

Mickey wrote:

> The Italian way to the life and Times of Scrooge McDuck

I have to agree with everyone else: this is very interesting! Thank you
for posting it! Only one small "criticism", though: I wish you had
included references. A sentence like

> the little Scrooge McDuck and his brother, the black sheep of the
> family, since he's lavish as much his twin is a tightwad

is incredibly intriguing, but also frustrating because I don't know
which stories to read to find out more about the lavish brother.

And I have a question... You write:

> The first word pronounced by Scrooge is "dollar" and, when six months
> old, he begins to show a silly attraction to the gold. In these days,
> a strong competition with John Rockerducks starts.

According to the Italian tradition, how old is Rockerduck? In some
stories, I've seen it implied he is Donald's age (or only a bit older),
but that doesn't seem to fit with the above text.

Also, you write:

> In 1928 [date of the reprint, not original], Scrooge becomes an
> university student and meets Brigitta McBrigde. To free himself from
> her grasp, he gifts her an expensive hat of balaboo.

What's your source on this information? I like Brigitta MacBridge, but
have always wondered how she and Scrooge first met.


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