Komix #192-204

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at alumni.princeton.edu
Fri Jun 10 13:12:44 CEST 2005


> www.geocities.com/komixgreekpage/komix139.htm  They are gone now, 
> however.

There are several internal links in Apostolis' site that are dead. Perhaps 
Apostolis needs to restore part of his site.

> Do you - or someone else -  know if these articles can be found 
> somewhere else on the net these days?

These translations were made by me, in a previous lifetime, when I had more 
free time and fewer Disney comics to read. Thus, there have been no new 
translations during the last two years. As for older articles, they should 
still be available in the DCML archives. I guess the easiest way to find those 
articles is to search for, say, "articles from komix #139" using Google, and 
follow the link.

"Nobody would have the gumption to tell the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise
  he couldn't have his doctor, his dentist, his favorite carpenter, or his dog
  groomer at his side if he wanted to, security clearance or not."

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