A request from Nino Russo

Marco Barlotti marcobar at inducks.org
Fri Nov 18 15:43:08 CET 2005

The Italian Disney scripter Nino Russo is looking for copies of any Disney 
comic published outside Italy that carries a story by him WITHOUT CREDITS.
Essentially, he is looking for evidence of the fact that (until very 
recently) Egmont, Hachette and most Disney publishers would print stories 
without crediting the authors; and of course he is interested in evidence 
about HIS stories (he is a scripter, not an artist). The most recent these 
comics are, the better for his project.

Who can help him, sending him copies of (preferably not too old) Disney 
comics which carry his stories but do not credit him? You can check through 
COA (http://coa.inducks.org) whether a given story is written by Nino Russo.
He will pay the cost of the comic and of the shipping. Please contact him 
directly at the following address: ninovartis2 at libero.it.
You are welcome to carbon-copy to me the message: marcobar at inducks.org.

Thank you!



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