DCML and spam

Sigvald Grøsfjeld jr. sigvald at duckburg.dk
Sat Nov 1 23:19:23 CET 2003

Hi all!

Lately, an increasing amount of spam has reached my duckburg.dk mailbox. I
think this is because I use this mail-account when addressing DCML and then
those mails are made available on-line, not only for serious people, but
also indeed for spam-terrorists. I have however a suggestion that at least
can make it easier to detect spam-mails from DCML-mails. The idea is that
the following prefix: "dcml: " should be automatically added in front of the
title of all DCML-mails before they reach our mailboxes. This mail would
then have reached your mailboxes with the following title "dcml: DCML and
spam" and you would instantly knew that you had received a serious mail and
not a spam-mail. Is this possible?


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